The Alternative to Deadly Force, the Byrna gun is the best non-lethal self-defense device. The Byrna SD is safe yet very effective.
Byrna is the leader in non-lethal self-defense pepper ball and kinetic launchers for personal and professional security.
Bring-It! Self Defense is a Byrna authorized dealer. Get your Byrna SD as well as projectiles and Byrna accessories.
Byrna SD Non-Lethal Guns / Launchers use either Pepper Ball or Kinetic projectiles. It's the Un-Gun!

Bring-It! Self Defense carries Byrna supplies and the Byrna non-lethal guns.

Non-Lethal Self Defense
There are a lot of agencies and civilians looking for non-lethal guns and non-lethal weapons for self-defense. Byrna is leading the way with the Byrna SD non-lethal gun.
The Byrna SD which replaced the popular Byrna HD is the leading personal security device and is also widely used by law enforcement and security professionals.
Having a non-lethal pepper projectile to shoot in self-defense gives you a lot of peace and you don't have to second guess pulling the trigger when you are in harm's way giving you maximum protection to deter an aggression.
Byrna Launchers are not firearms but are incredibly powerful and effective self-defense devices. The Byrna SD is perfect for anyone looking for a non lethal gun or self defense gun.
The Byrna Launcher is an incredibly powerful and effective non-lethal self-defense weapon that can be taken virtually anywhere. Powered by compressed air (CO2), the Byrna Launcher shoots .68 caliber round kinetic and chemical irritant projectiles that can disable a threat from up to 60-feet away.
A non-lethal gun for self-defense? Yes! It looks like a gun and handles like a gun, without the lethal danger to children that firearms present, yet powerful enough to get the job done.
You never know when the moment will present itself. Don't be unprepared. Self defense weapons like the Byrna guns help to keep you safe in an uncertain world. Non-lethal weapons help to defend yourself against a threat while avoiding the lethal consequences.
Non-Lethal Self Defense
Byrna Launchers are not firearms but are incredibly powerful and effective self-defense devices. The Byrna SD is a non-lethal gun, or an Un-Gun as we like to call it. Byrna is the leading brand in non-lethal self-defense.
The Byrna SD is a non-lethal self-defense weapon that can be taken virtually anywhere. Powered by compressed air (CO2), the Byrna Launcher shoots .68 caliber round kinetic and chemical irritant projectiles that can disable a threat from up to 60-feet away. The Byrna SD Personal Security Device has replaced the Byrna HD gun.
Byrna launchers do not pierce the CO2 cartridge until the trigger is pulled, so the cartridge can last indefinitely until it is needed.
As a Byrna Authorized Dealer, you can get everything thin need right here on our website. Our best-selling Byrna SD starter kit comes with:
One (1) Byrna SD Launcher
Two (2) 5-Round Magazines
Two (2) Byrna CO2 Cartridges
One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Chemical Irritant Projectiles
One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Inert Projectiles
One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Kinetic Projectiles
One (1) #byrnanation Medallion
Byrna is the most trusted leader in non-lethal CO2 powered self defense launchers.
The Byrna Gun was developed as an alternative to firearms which are deadly and pepper spray which has limitations.
Byrna developed the Byrna HD and now the Byrna SD has replaced the HD as the best non-lethal gun on the market.
With the Byrna launcher, you can shoot different projectiles.
The Byrna SD is a Pepper ball gun of sorts. It can shoot pepper ball projectiles with chemical irritants that get into the nose, eyes, skin, lungs, etc. of an attacker.
Pepper spray guns require you to be very close. The Byrna SD allows you to be up to 60 feet away from a threat.
Non-lethal guns are being used more and more because firearms are not needed in many cases.
The Byrna SD is so much safer to have at home in the nightstand or in the glovebox as a concealed self-protection device.